You know you're a fake when you...
Follow others as a mindless sheep
Start shit with the family for no reason, just for your own sick amusement
Think drinking faygo and hating Eminem makes you more of a Juggalo
Use HOI purely as a dating service
Listen to only Psychopathic artists because you think it makes you more of a
Juggalo. There is other good music out there!
Hate Eminem only because ICP had beef with him
Think wearing face paint makes you more of a Juggalo than the people who have never worn facepaint
Think wearing merchandise is what makes you a Juggalo
Say you murder people, just to act cool
Take the lyrics or Psychopthic too seriously
Get high because everyone else does, you don't need to smoke weed to be down! In the words of Shaggy 2 Dope himself: I just don't dig the weed thing, man. I don't like feeling high, I like being in my right state of mind, 'cause if I ain't, I just go out of my mind retarded.
Call others Juggahos because they are young or they haven't been part of the family very long, or they don't have merchandise, or don't smoke weed, or like Eminem, or.... the list goes on
Talk about suicide all the time: it doesn't make you look cool, just sad
Act like something or someone you're not: just be yourself
Try to change other people: let them be themselves
Think using the word 'Feminem' makes you look cool
Disrespect Juggalettes, ask them for naked pics, and hate on them if they refuse
Threaten to stab/kill/stalk/rape other Juggalos or Juggalettes
Still believe in that 'Juggalo Pledge'
Think being a Juggalo is all about listening to the music... it's about the feeling you get, the meanings, a way of life, being true to yourself
Think all Juggalos are the same
Hate people who are different (skin color, religion or sexuality for example)
Call other Juggalos rednecks, just because they live in the south. Does that make them any less Juggalo?
Claim that you are bi if you're not. It really doesn't make you any cooler.
Tell everybody that you are bi. Who the fuck cares? Stop boring me with that info, I don't care what sex you want to have sex with (heh, get it?)
Use the word 'penis' every 2 sentences. How old are you, 6?